Signs to Talk to Your Doctor About Your Sleep
Getting enough sleep can help you get sick less often, maintain a healthy body weight, lower your risk of serious health problems like diabetes and heart disease, reduce stress, improve your mood, boost your performance at work or school, get along with others and make good choices. If you’re not getting enough sleep, it can…
How to Stay Safe While Getting ENT Care During COVID
After more than a year, COVID-19 is still a major problem. In order to lessen the burden on health care workers, many opted for telehealth visits with their provider or simply put off seeking non-emergency medical care. Fortunately, Red River ENT is open for in-person visits, and our staff is following proper protocols to keep…
Sinus Headaches
Everyone has gotten a headache at some point in their lives. However, do you know what kind of headache you’ve had? It’s important to get the proper diagnosis for sinus headaches so you can properly treat the problem. Symptoms of a Sinus Headache Sinus headaches are caused by a blockage of normal sinus drainage. The…
New Technologies Can Lead to Hearing Loss
Are you listening to music that is too loud? A recent poll of parents found that over 80% say they are concerned that misuse of personal audio technology is damaging the hearing of children. Hearing loss can result from too much exposure to sound from any source that is above 85 decibels. What is Hearing…
Understanding Ear Infections
Everybody has dealt with the pain and discomfort caused by ear infections. Though ear infections are harmless a majority of the time, it’s important to have all the facts to properly diagnose and treat ear infections. How Does an Ear Infection Start? More often than not, ear infections affect the middle ear where the eusthachian…
Worst States to Live in for Allergy Sufferers
Every state has allergens that cause people to feel the impact of seasonal allergies. However, these states are ranked as the worst states to live in for allergy sufferers based on pollen levels, amount of the population on allergy medications and the number of ENT doctors in the area. Red River ENT Associates is located…
Ways to Treat Nasal Allergies in Central Louisiana
Nasal allergies occur when allergens in the air affect the nasal passages. They can be caused by a range of allergens, including pollen, animal dander, mold, feathers and more. So, how can you win the battle against the runny nose, itchy eyes and nasal congestion? Here are a few ways to treat nasal allergies: Find…
Dr. Webb Discusses Chronic Sinusitis Treatment
Dr. Renick Webb was recently a guest on New Channel 5 which covers Central Louisiana, where he discussed chronic sinus infections also known as sinusitis. Treatment for Sinusitis in Alexandria, LA Dr. Renick Webb discusses the new treatment option being offered at Red River ENT Associates, known as Balloon Sinuplasty. This non-invasive treatment for sinusitis…
Frequently Asked Questions About Balloon Sinuplasty
Many people have never heard of balloon sinuplasty. However, millions of people suffer from the very condition that this procedure can treat. Sinusitis is a common condition that involves chronic inflammation and infection of the sinuses. This can lead to a wide variety of symptoms like headaches, face pain, sneezing, and pressure in the face…
Dysphagia: Symptoms and Treatment Options
Swallowing is so simple to a majority of people. However, an estimated 15 million people in the United States suffer from Dysphagia, or trouble swallowing. What are the Kinds of Dysphagia? There are two kinds of Dysphagia: Esophageal Dysphagia – Esophageal dysphagia is caused by the esophagus, the tube that connects the throat to the stomach,…