Common Springtime Causes of Ear Infections
Ear infections are a common health issue that can affect people of all ages. In fact, they are the most common childhood illness other than colds. They occur when bacteria or viruses cause inflammation and fluid buildup in the ear. While ear infections are often more frequent in children, adults can experience them as well….
What To Know About Retracted Eardrums
The eardrum is a critical element of our auditory system and acts as a dividing boundary between the outer ear canal and the middle ear. Sometimes, the eardrum can become retracted when the membrane pulls inward towards the middle ear. This can impact hearing, sometimes with noticeable symptoms and sometimes with none. Understanding the causes…
Common Reasons For Ear Pain
Ear discomfort is a prevalent issue that affects individuals of all ages and frequently prompts a search for both relief and underlying reasons. Although it usually doesn’t signify a major health concern, it’s helpful to understand the root causes to prevent causes of ear pain from developing further. Common Causes of Ear Discomfort Treatment Options…
What Should You Do If Your Child Gets Something Stuck In Their Ear
Discovering an object lodged in your child’s ear may not typically be a cause for alarm, but if left untreated, it can potentially lead to ear trauma and subsequent hearing loss. Thus, it’s helpful to know what to do if you discover your child has something stuck in their ear. Common symptoms like crying, irritability…
What To Expect From An Ear Tube Procedure
An ear tube procedure is a surgical procedure utilized to minimize the effect of otitis media, or middle ear infections, commonly found in young children. If your child has this procedure, you may wonder what to expect and what you can do to best support your child. An ear tube procedure becomes necessary when the…
What Does a Sharp Pain in the Ear Mean?
Have you ever experienced a sharp pain in the ear? This phenomenon, known medically as otalgia, may be alarming, but in many cases, it does not warrant serious concern. In this post, we review the common causes of ear pain and how each is treated. Ruptured Eardrum If you’ve ruptured your eardrum, it means it…
What Causes Your Ears To Bleed?
Several different conditions can cause your ears to bleed. Some are relatively minor issues, while others are more serious medical conditions. Let’s examine three common causes of ear bleeding as well as home treatment options and when to see a doctor. Skin Injury To The Ear This is a fairly common issue and almost always…
What Does the Color of Your Earwax Mean?
Earwax, whether or not you think it’s yucky, is an important substance for the health of your ear. Not only does it lubricate the ear canal to keep it from getting dry and irritated, but it also traps debris and germs. According to an article published in the National Library of Medicine, “Ear wax only…
How Should I Prepare My Child for Ear Tube Surgery?
Ear tubes, known by ENT (ear, nose and throat) physicians as tympanostomy tubes (TT), are a common treatment for chronic or recurrent middle ear infections in young children. One article published in the National Library of Medicine in 2022 reports, “Almost 7% of all children will have a least one set of TT by 3…
Why Is My Ear Hurting?
Ear pain has a number of different causes. Some of these will resolve on their own, while others may require medical treatment. Common Causes of Ear Pain Middle ear infection. Ear infections occur when fluid builds up in the middle ear. They often happen after respiratory infections. Children are much more likely to experience ear…